Monday, October 22, 2007


There is crime in the hood. One of my friends responses to a request for prayer, we will pray that they MOVE ON.

A “No Loitering” Sign is placed in a strategic place to MOVE ON the homeless that wait at the corner of Lee and Eugene in hopes for a job and to be able to go into Urban Ministries for a meal or Salvation Army for a place to sleep.

MOVE ON… is that helpful? Where are they to MOVE ON too? Yes, I agree that this is helpful to the business that is trying to start up. No small business owner wants a homeless crowd on his corner. The city doesn’t want them there for they are trying to make a “Gateway to Greensboro” that is appealing to the eye. When visitors come into our city they will see a well kept area of town as they come off 85 but will they realize all the people that were displaced for their pleasure?

MOVE ON…Yes, there is crime and it seems to be rising but why would I want it to MOVE ON? So that I feel safe? So that I do not worry as I drop off young girls in the evenings and tell them to quickly go inside and to wave at me to let me know that someone else is home with them. Yes I want to be safe. Yes, I do not want any more of our kids to join the active gangs in the area. Yes, I want us to be able to play at the park with out running into dealers.

But…NO, I do not want them to MOVE ON to another area of town to destroy others lives and their own. No I do not wish that the kids that are causing trouble to be picked up and kept in jail until they are 18. I want them to be reached. I want the young girls (12-18) that have joined gangs b/c of a longing for a family to find it in the church. I want us as a Church to step up and to invite the prostitutes into our women fellowships.

To some this posting may seem naive or even hopeless. A young women wishing into the winds. But my heart it not for my neighbors to MOVE ON it is for God to move upon our city. To soften our (my) hearts and the ones committing crimes these crimes as well.

Let us not ask those that are homeless in our city to become as nomads, always moving and leaving.

These are my thoughts tonight… Who am I to pray for the hurt and the displaced in this world to MOVE ON?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

bake sale


Support Glenwood Youth Going to the “Fall Retreat”

As a body of Believers we have been called to be the church; not limiting ourselves to the comfort of “church” but to reach beyond racial and economic lines becoming a diverse body that glorifies God in all that we do.

“We are committed to money not being an issue here at Grace…” (Grace Youth Leader)

We Need YOUR HELP!!!!

There are Glenwood youth that desire to attend this year’s fall retreat but are not able to do so with out financial assistance.

We need baked goods, and buyers!

Bake Sale

When: October 21st, 2007 (Before and after the 9:30 and 11am services)

Where: Grace Community Church

If you are able to provide baked goods please contact

Suzanne Mathis - by commenting here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

So Young

Tonight my heart is heavy. My heart has longed to grieve and yet I my tears have had no where to fall. How do you understand the loss of an 8 year old? What do you say to her grandmother and her cousins as they sit in a small crowded living room with plastic smiles on their faces yet their eyes are brimming with tears?

This past Sunday a family here in Glenwood loss their young cousin and Granddaughter to cancer. Somehow I held on and believed that she would recover. As I sat in the Grandmother’s home yesterday holding young lay-lay’s picture in my hand, my heart broke and my thoughts were urgent… how not a minute is to be spared in teaching the youth of Glenwood about the TRUTH in Jesus Christ. How we never know which day will be our last.

So I will go upstairs in a few hours and lay out clothes to wear to the funeral tomorrow. I’m not sure how tomorrow will go. I pray that God will use me, even in my brokenness, to comfort others. Oh how the death of a child is so very hard to understand.