Thursday, August 31, 2006

Growing Pains

Have you ever known a young teenager that was having growing pains? I have and it hurts! Yet they know that they are growing up getting taller and they don’t want it to stop they just want it to be over.

Today I feel like I have Spiritual Growing Pains…God does not want me to stay spiritually where I am and neither do I, yet the process is difficult to say the least.

Glenwood is in the midst of Growing Pains.

I see it in the faces of the children and the parents. I see it as I am sitting on my front porch and a man drives up to pick up a young prostitute; I beg her with my eyes and heart not to get in…she turns and says she is sorry and gets in the van. I see it as young lady calls and asks if she can come over and dance, the awkwardness was there for a while, b/c she has given me the cold shoulder for so long… but she pushed through, she danced and I was so proud of her. A mom is seeking financial help, laying aside pride and willing to learn new things so that she can provide a home for her children. A mom is coming to church after seeing how much her kids love it.

I believe that Glenwood has been introduced to Jesus and even though some of them do not recognize it we are all going through growing pains as what was “comfortable and normal” is not any more, and we must choose this day who we will serve!

I choose to serve JESUS no matter what…though doubts and trials and growing pains.


Blogger Marshall said...

Man, now you are a bloggin machine! This was a very hopeful post - gives me new eyes to see our neighborhood. Thank you.

7:44 AM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

ha ha :) I know man, and then I got to blog and see that no one else has for a while and laugh at myself b/c there are 3 from me :)

9:59 AM  

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