Yesterday morning I was thinking about a Slumber Party that we are having for the Older Girls here in Glenwood, and I was unsure how it was going to turn out but had a feeling (you know that one that just sits on your heart until you acknowledge it) that this was to be different than before.
Two years ago we had a “Princess Party” led by my former roommate and forever friend Donna. The girls heard first hand how much God loves them, and that they loved by Jesus and are indeed “Fine China” and should except no less from any guy. I believe that this lesson is implanted on their hearts even if they do not always live by it.
One girl urged her mom not to throw out the tea cup that she was given at the party b/c it reminded her that she was “Fine China”.
Another girl that seems so hard to the world and others, sheepishly asks when we might have another “Princess Party” and remembers how special she felt being escorted by loving Godly men and learning that she is indeed worth waiting for.
“Yet, what do you do when the world continues to tell you that you are NOT “Fine China” that you are NOT a princess of the KING and they vandalize you?” Is the thought that came to me yesterday.
I saw a beautiful MASTERPIECE that represented us, God’s children, and then I saw people coming to the Masterpiece, us, and vandalizing it with all sorts of hurts/sins (words – your stupid you will never amount to anything, your own dad didn’t want you…, actions – abuse in every form, neglect, rape…) And even at times we would vandalize ourselves as we believed these lies from the Evil One.
Well meaning people in our lives would want to help, yet their advice would be to just ignore it, get some white paint and white wash the Masterpiece. While this may seem right in the world’s eyes b/c now the hurt seems to be covered up…but so is the Masterpiece. And the cycle continues in the lives of our girls and myself. That we are hurt so badly yet continue to white wash ourselves until we have completely forgotten that we are a masterpiece under layers and layers of vandalism and “well meaning” white wash.
Jesus has come to heal and to restore, He has come to peel back the layers of sin and pain and reveal the masterpiece that He created us to be.
I do not know how this will take form at the Slumber Party, but I do feel led to share this and illustrate it to the girls and use “my story” as the backdrop.
Prayer Requests:
- That I would have courage to speak TRUTH
- That the words would not be mine but God’s
- That the girls would have open hearts
- For women to step up that feel called to be a mentor for these girls
- Bible study and Counseling to be available to the girls
- For peace as hard things are shared and discussed
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